Welcome to the ECS Insurance Company

Efficiency, Control, and Safety are the guiding principles of ECS Insurance Company. ECS Insurance Company underwrites a unique, proprietary, disability insurance policy for members of professional associations that include doctors, attorneys, business owners and executives, and other productive and affluent individuals. ECS Insurance Company administers the disability policy underwriting and the distribution of the disability policy and the other insurance-based planning programs, services, and products that fund catastrophic loss protection plans, qualified and non-qualified retirement plans, and endowment creation plans.

ECS Insurance Company also functions as a national marketing organization for several large life insurance companies that underwrite life insurance and annuity products that predictably accumulate retirement savings for doctors, attorneys, business owners and executives, and other productive and affluent individuals who participate in the proprietary New Economic Order Planning Program through association memberships.

ECS Insurance Company also reinsures a portion of the life insurance that funds the earnings management, savings management, and endowment creation planning programs for doctors, attorneys, business owners and executives, and other productive and affluent individuals who participate in the proprietary New Economic Order Planning Program through association memberships.